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Take part in our free all India mock test.

Benchmark your performance against aspirants from all over India.

Gain valuable insights into your strengths and weaknesses.

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Strive to achieve your goals with confidence.

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Get insights into your strengths and weaknesses in specific concepts.

Identify areas for improvement based on personalized feedback.

Track your progress over time to gauge improvement.

Instead of revising everything broadly, focus on specific gaps in your concepts.

Move closer to success by addressing and refining specific areas.

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Share your doubts and questions with fellow aspirants.

Engage and receive support from others in the fray.

Through online forums, our community provides a supportive and collaborative environment.

Learn and grow together with like-minded individuals.

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Frequently asked questions

One of our aims at EPF is to make it as accessible as possible and hence we are committed to offer all of the content for free.All mock tests, question papers will always remain free. A few of the upcoming advanced features like deep analysis reports would be chargeable. The current services like Alert notifications, Community forum, Mock test, Previous Year papers and Practice papers will always be free for the users. We will be launching our new services and features on our platform, some of which will be chargeable in future.

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